Informasjon om fotball-VM i Qatar

Bilde fra en av VM-arenaene før den var ferdig. FOTO: Reidar Sollie

Norsk presse som planlegger å dekke fotball-VM i Qatar i november/desember, kan begynne forberedelsene nå.

Før man kan søke akkreditering må man ha registrert seg FIFAs mediehub.

Norge vil få tildelt sin kvote i mai. Den formidles til NFF, som overlater til NSF-styret å fordele plassene.

Så vil vi distribuere kodene man trenger for å bli akkreditert.

Derfor: Send allerede nå en melding til om at dere ønsker akkreditering.

Her finner du informasjon om frister og kategorier.

Endelig akkrediteringsfrist er 31. juli.

Her er foreløpig informasjon fra FIFA:

Media Accreditation for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022TM

Tips and guidelines for media accreditation

April 2022

Interest in the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022TM is already running high among media representatives. FIFA is receiving many enquiries as to when the accreditation procedure will begin and how it will be handled. The large number of requests suggests that demand will far exceed supply.

The media accreditation process for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022TM is expected to open in May 2022 and will close on 31 July 2022. In order for media representatives to be able to access and submit the online accreditation form, they will be required to have two important items; first, an approved FIFA Media Hub account and second, a unique accreditation control key that will be issued by you, as the member association, in accordance with the instructions given below.

The following information is essential for the media accreditation process:

1. FIFA Media Hub

A FIFA Media Hub account is absolutely essential in order to access the media accreditation form and media ticketing system. Access to the FIFA Media Hub is restricted and can only be gained by using an individual user ID and password. Media representatives who already have a Media Hub account will be able to update their profile if necessary and access the media accreditation form and media ticketing system.

Media representatives who have not yet registered to access the FIFA Media Hub may do so by completing the online registration form by visiting and then clicking on “Login”.

It is important to note that the control key to access the online media accreditation form is NOT the same as an individual user ID needed to access the FIFA Media Hub.

2. General

Media accreditation will be managed on-line. Designated media representatives will only be able to access the online accreditation form via the FIFA Media Hub and complete it using a unique electronic control key.

As in previous FIFA World CupTM finals, the associations will be allotted a certain number of press and photographer accreditations. This quota will be based on experience from previous tournaments and, of course, on whether the association concerned has qualified for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 finals. As some of the finalist teams will not be known until June, FIFA will not yet be releasing the full quota in some cases. As soon as the qualifying competition has been completed, further quotas will be allocated, where appropriate.

Quota management system

FIFA will be using a new online quota management system and accreditation procedures similar to those used in 2018. Comprehensive directions for using the quota management system, containing instructions as to which steps you, as the member association, must take to enable media representatives to submit their applications electronically, will be provided to you separately in May. At that time, you will also receive information on the quota allocated to you and how your member association’s media officer will assign and distribute the unique electronic control keys that each journalist and photographer will require to access and complete the online accreditation form.

3. Distribution

Each member association is strongly encouraged to work with its national sports journalists’ association or other professional organisations in the country regarding an equitable allocation of the quota to press reporters and photographers (see explanations below for categories).


Each member association’s media department is then responsible for registering the allocation in the quota management system, following the separate directions for use, and for distributing the unique accreditation control key to the chosen media representatives in accordance with the distribution process.

4. Categories

For the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, media representatives will be split into various accreditation categories (written press, photographers, non-rights holders, etc.). Furthermore, other categories for television personnel (commentators and especially technical staff) of the Media Rights Licensees will be accredited and managed directly by FIFA TV.

The categories and relevant organisations will be:

a) Written press

Press representatives who write for newspapers, magazines and other printed publications must apply for accreditation to their national football association via their publication. Qatari media representatives must request accreditation from the local entity Q22 via their publication. The contact email for Qatari national media accreditation matters is

Correspondents working for foreign newspapers in Qatar must submit their request for accreditation to their national football association via the head editorial office in their home country.

b) Photographers

Photographers must submit their applications using the same procedure as the written press, to their national football association. Qatari photographers must request accreditation from the local entity Q22 via their publication.

c) International news and photo agencies

FIFA will be responsible for accreditation of the following international news and photo agencies: AFP, AP, Bloomberg, dpa, EFE, EPA, Getty Images, Jiji Press, Kyodo News, Press Association, Reuters, SID and Xinhua. In addition, Qatar News Agency will also be managed directly by FIFA.

Other national news and photo agencies must apply to their national football association.

d) Freelance media

Freelance media representatives must submit their applications using the same procedure as the written press, to their national football association. Qatari freelance media must submit their request for accreditation to the local entity Q22. FIFA Event Media Operations & Services ( will be responsible for international freelance journalists and photographers living and working in a foreign country.

e) Internet journalists and photographers

Accreditation for journalists who work for online editions of a newspaper or magazine falls within the quotas allocated to that newspaper or magazine for the general written press (see above). It is the responsibility of the publication in question to decide on the ratio of press reporters to internet journalists. Reporters and photographers who work for purely local/national websites must also submit their applications to their national football association. Major international news websites should contact FIFA Media Operations & Services ( for information on media accreditation.

f) Radio and television non-rights holders

Non-rights-holding broadcasters are radio and television companies without broadcasting rights for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. For contractual reasons, and due to limited space, FIFA will only accredit a small number of organisations.

Accreditation for non-rights-holding broadcasters will begin later this year via the FIFA Media Hub. Applications will be subject to approval closer to the event. Further details on accreditation for non- rights-holding broadcasters will be communicated via a media advisory closer to the start of the process. For any questions regarding the accreditation of non-rights-holding broadcasters, please contact

g) Media Rights Licensees (radio, television, mobile and broadband rights holders)

FIFA TV will be responsible for Media Rights Licensees (rights-holding TV and radio stations). The FIFA Broadcaster Servicing team is in regular contact with the Media Rights Licensees and will inform them directly about the accreditation procedure and other accreditation-related matters.

5. Completion of form and deadlines

Media representatives who have been assigned a control key by their football association will be able to access the media accreditation form via the FIFA Media Hub ( They must have an approved Media Hub account to access the accreditation form. Media representatives who have not yet opened a Media Hub account are strongly encouraged to do so at the earliest opportunity. Visit and click on “Login” to access the registration form.

The closing date for accreditation applications is 31 July 2022. All applications will undergo a required security check by Qatari authorities.

As of the end of July 2022, FIFA will begin the process of sending accreditation confirmations followed by further information in due course (media representatives are encouraged to visit the Media Hub on a regular basis for information on media services).

6. Requesting tickets for the 48 group matches

The online media ticket application process to request tickets for the 48 group matches will also commence with the launch of media accreditation. Ticket requests will be handled exclusively through the FIFA Media Hub. Only media representatives who have already submitted a media accreditation form will be able to request tickets for up to two non-consecutive matches per day from the list of 48 group matches. Approvals will be subject to capacity availability.

7. Visas

Detailed information on the visa process will be provided to media representatives with the accreditation approval letter.

Thank you for your valuable cooperation.

FIFA Communications Division