Norske Sportsjournalisters Forbund

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Akkreditering Diamond League i friidrett

Amalie Iuel og Karsten Warholm. Foto: Javad Parsa / NTB

Friidrettssesongen nærmer seg og det er åpnet for akkreditering til det første stevnet i Diamond League 5. mai.

Det er uklart hva slags norsk deltagelse det vil bli, men her er i hvert fall informasjon fra arrangøren:

Online media accreditation system for the 2023 Wanda Diamond League season is now open

Dear Media Representatives,

With just over five weeks to go until the launch of the 2023 Wanda Diamond League season in Doha on 5th May, the series has today opened the online media accreditation system for 2023.

To apply for media accreditation, please follow this link.

You can access the system with last year's credentials or, if you don't have credentials yet, create a new username and password.

In case you no longer use the email address with which you registered initially, you can now change the login name (email address) from within the system using the following steps:

  • Login with your former email address.

  • Click on your login name in the top right corner to access account settings.

If you are unable to use the "forgotten password" functionality due to the expiry of an old e-mail account, please contact

You can view the user manual for the portal here.

Click here to view the full 2023 calendar.

Kind regards,

Wanda Diamond League